


Post safe space

To ensure each post has enough breathing room, create a margin (not a border) around the creative — this margin is either 10% or 15% of the height of the post. The creative, logo and content must always live within this safe space. The only exception to this is background images and flat color backgrounds that should extend to the edge of the creative.

Optional branding

When adding branding — remember not to overbrand a post — pay attention to the following guidelines about placement, size and safe space. Take note, that there should only be one logo / logomark per post.

Standalone logos and logomarks - branding not part of the creative - should sit in one of the seven places, within the safespace previously defined, as illustrated below

The safe space around logo / logomarks is defined as 5%, or 7%, of the height of the post


To ensure each post has enough breathing room, create a margin (not a border) around the creative — this margin is 10% of the height of the post. The creative, logo and content must always live within this safe space. The only exception to this is background images and flat color backgrounds that should extend to the edge of the creative.

Post safe space

Optional branding

Story safe space

Optional branding


Post safe space

To ensure each post has enough breathing room, create a margin (not a border) around the creative — this margin is 10% of the height of the post. The creative, logo and content must always live within this safe space. The only exception to this is background images and flat color backgrounds that should extend to the edge of the creative.