
Business cards

The standard business card size in mm in the UK and Europe is 85mm x 55mm (or 8.5cm x 5.5cm).

AnyVan uses 3 types of business cards

  • Branded
  • Minimal
  • Complete


Make sure you give enough room for the branded assets to breathe. The clear space around the assets should be 12% of the height of the business card as a general rule

This rule is fixed for the back of the business cards, but for the front of the cards, increments of 3%, 6%, 9% and 12% can be used. This is intentionally looser than the back of the cards to allow for more creativity and more opportunities for brand personality


  • Logo
  • Logo mark
  • URL
  • General contact number
Example layouts


  • Full name
  • Job title
  • Contact number
  • Email address
  • URL
Example layouts


  • Full name
  • Job title
  • Primary contact number
  • Secondary contact number
  • Email address
  • URL
  • Address
Example layouts